A group of employees exchanges ideas in a positive working atmosphere.

Knorr-Bremse Compliance. Our sense of responsibility.

The success of Knorr-Bremse is based on integrity and respect. Compliance with the law, regulations and internal rules is a top priority for Knorr-Bremse, and we expect our management, our employees as well as our business partners and suppliers to act with integrity and respect for the law at any time.

Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Human Rights.

Our Code of Conduct, our Supplier Code of Conduct and our Human Rights Policy lay down the fundamental principals and expectations in this respect.

We do not tolerate criminal conduct and violations of fundamental human rights. To maintain our standards, we have established a group-wide compliance organization tasked with the monitoring of our compliance and human rights risk management system.


Compliance Knorr-Bremse AG

Moosacher Straße 80
80809 München
Deutschland - Germany

Phone: +49 89 3547-2579

Speak-up. Anonymous whistleblowing and complaints.

We encourage you to report criminal behaviour or unfair business conduct as well as human rights violations and environmental risks at Knorr-Bremse Group or within our supply chain or our business partners.

You can file your report or complaint via our secure whistleblowing system or via our external ombudsperson, if desired anonymously. You can find further information and contact details in the grey info box.

We will not tolerate retaliation against good-faith whistleblowers and protect their identify, insofar as the Knorr-Bremse Group can influence this in accordance with applicable law.

We will conduct our investigations with the utmost confidentiality and fairness. For details, please refer to our “rules of procedure” in the grey info box.


Raise your concerns and report compliance violations!

You can file your report here:

We have compiled our ombudspersons in the document below:

This is how we will process your complaints and reports:
Rules of Procedure


Jednací-Řád-pro-Interní-Šetření (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, CZ)
[PDF, 1.1 MB]
Verfahrensordnung für Interne Untersuchungen (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, DE)
[PDF, 405.9 KB]
Reglamento de Procedimiento para Investigaciones Internas (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, ES)
[PDF, 445.5 KB]
Belső Vizsgálatok Eljárási Szabályzata (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, HU)
[PDF, 403.9 KB]
内部调查程序规则 (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, CN)
[PDF, 770.1 KB]
Regolamento-di-Procedura-per-Indagini-Interne (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, IT)
[PDF, 1.2 MB]
内部調査手続き規則 (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, JP)
[PDF, 651.5 KB]
ПОРЯДОК ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ВНУТРЕННИХ РАССЛЕДОВАНИ (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, RU)
[PDF, 426 KB]
Regras de Procedimento para Investigações Internas (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, PT)
[PDF, 732.1 KB]
Regulamin Postępowania dla Wewnętrznych Dochodzeń (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, PL)
[PDF, 407.5 KB]
Règles de Procédure des Enquêtes Internes (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, FR)
[PDF, 402 KB]
Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations (EN)
[PDF, 400.2 KB]
आंतरिक जांच क लिए प्रक्रिया के नियमो (Rules of Procedure for Internal Investigations, IN)
[PDF, 520.9 KB]