To fulfil our mission of making mobility on roads and railways safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly, we strive to get even better every day. That’s why excellence is our standard at Knorr-Bremse.
At Knorr-Bremse, we see it as our duty to get a little better every day. Because outstanding products and services depend on a lived culture of innovation and perfection. A vital component of this culture is the ability to identify new demands at an early stage by responding to developments in the market and broader society. This enables us to find intelligent solutions that set new technological standards and offer added value for our customers. At Knorr-Bremse we’ve created the Knorr Excellence program to lay down the organizational framework for the ongoing optimization of all our fields of activity and processes.
Excellence – everywhere and all the time
Achieving a continuous improvement in all our procedures is the program’s central thrust. Striving for excellence is about establishing the shared understanding, the organizational framework and the management structure that bring excellence within reach. All these elements are combined in the Knorr Excellence program.
Uniform performance standards
Knorr Excellence connects up management systems and procedures that define uniform performance standards across business units and regions. We set targets, measure their attainment and document successes, so anyone can draw upon the best practices at any time. The Knorr Excellence program is also about informing and engaging all our employees, raising awareness to ensure that the drive to achieve optimum performance is embedded in everything we do. When improvement measures are identified, they are rolled out across the business units, monitored and analyzed.
Adding value through excellence
In business terms Knorr Excellence aims to secure growth, profitability and financial robustness, consolidating Knorr-Bremse’s “best in class” status. Ever since this program was introduced in 2007, it has been intensively developed and enhanced, reflecting its central importance to the Group.
Corporate culture

Our vision. Our drive.
“We want to be the global driving force behind innovative and sustainable system solutions that make mobility and freight transportation safer, more reliable and more efficient. We ourselves are driven by the desire to add value for our customers while also making a positive contribution to society.”
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Growing with our values.
Entrepreneurship, Technological Excellence, Reliability, Passion and Responsibility. These five values describe who we are. They act as a compass for the way we do business and the way we treat our colleagues, our partners and society.
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Adding value.
We have condensed our requirements and principles for good leadership into five core aspects. Our convictions, which guide our managers in their dealings with employees, are formulated in these Leadership Principles.
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For people and the environment.
Knorr-Bremse considers itself a responsible company. With sustainable corporate management, we take responsibility – towards our employees, customers and business partners, as well as for the environment and society. Today and with a view to the future.
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Our foundation.
The culture prevalent at Knorr-Bremse is expressed in the way we collaborate, the way we operate, the way we envision the future and the high standards we set for ourselves.
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