Processing a complaint with test engineer Máté Lipkovics (l.) and development engineer Márton Kozma.
Holder of a doctorate in mechanical engineering, István Lipóth joined Knorr-Bremse in 2003 and soon became Team Leader Development Rail. He is responsible for brake system components and particularly appreciates the variety of his work and the excellent team spirit among his colleagues.
Sporty start to the day
5:30 am - I start every day with sports. Today there's a special event - the Budapest Knorr-Bremse cycle group is tackling Knorr Ride No. 57. Taking part in joint sporting activities with colleagues has a significant positive effect on our work. Maybe it's because we know we'd never let anyone down along the route if they were in difficulties. After a two-hour ride and an espresso, my mind is clear for the day ahead.
Morning: Keeping an eye on all tasks
8:30 am - As my daily ritual, I check the list of priorities I drew up yesterday and update it. Which tasks haven't been completed, and which items should be added? The fast and easy tasks that cram my mailbox mustn't be allowed to swamp critical projects.
10:00 am - Team meeting. I always delegate our tasks in one-to-one-meetings, and then we use the weekly team meeting to discuss tasks that involve us all. Today we're preparing for the Innosprint kick-off meeting of the Budapest development division. We've been asked to give a presentation to our colleagues in Development, describing interesting issues and technical solutions we've found for problems in recent years.
Of course we share goals and tasks, but when it comes down to it we're more than merely employees; we're fellow human beings and colleagues in a large-scale organization.
István Lipóth – Team Leader Development Rail
Afternoon: It's all about teamwork
1:00 pm - I have an appointment at the test lab. One of our key accounts has complained that leaks have developed in valves after three years in operation, and we have to track down the cause(s) of the fatigued membrane. As always, this isn't a simple matter, so I plan for cross-functional work that spans various disciplines. Together with colleagues from the test lab, I compare the results of the latest endurance tests with the simulation.
2:00 pm - Concept evaluation. Knorr-Bremse products are famous for their reliable quality and operational safety. But even in our pretty conservative field of business we have to address demands for cost optimization, facelifts, or new product series. Today that last item is on the agenda. Two of our students present concepts for new-generation emergency brake handles. We take a look at the first drafts. At this early stage of development we have to try and allay the healthy skepticism of experienced developers but still encourage the next generation’s zeal and openness. Have we succeeded?
Staying connected all over the world
4:30 pm - Telco with KBC (Knorr Brake Company). Our colleagues in Westminster/Maryland, USA, have just started their working day. Our standard braking system needs to be aligned to local requirements for a new generation of metro systems. Joining our Munich colleague responsible for the system and the loval support member, we use a special simulation tool to check whether one of our valves would function in this changed environment. Are the partsystem level results plausible? Should we conduct tests to validate them?
5:30 pm - Time to finish for today. But before I go, I sort out my notes for tomorrow and quickly forward a few emails.